• October 24, 2024
tradedatapro beta 1.0 version import export customs information - 3

Introducing our Beta 1.0 version of TradeData.Pro to you!

Join us and welcome the future of trade intelligence, where you can access Global Trade Data on an online platform with unlimited access to import, export and customs information.
A must have tool for searching over 3+ billion Bill of Lading level import and export records of millions of companies in over 220+ countries. Experience the endless opportunities with TradeData.Pro now!

What are the features of TradeData.Pro?

Use our importers and exporters lists to identify potential buyers and records to track existing customers based on customisable search criteria.


Monitor competitors

Our trade data and relationship mapping help you make business decisions based on supply chain relationships of importers and exporters.


Evaluate counterparties

Use the trade history of your counterparties to help you review and assess their reliability based on frequency and amount of transactions.


Discover industry trends

Our visual statistics data with rankings give insights into market dynamics and trade flows to discover niche markets, latest trends and overview.

Here’s how TradeData.Pro works

Trade Data Pro collects and analyses shipment and customs information from 3 modes of transport: Air, Land, Sea in over 220+ countries. Trade Data pro tracks shipment records from import-export business.
This process starts from the manufacturer who sends a cargo, shipment or even parcel out, this shipment record is sent to a freight forwarder or shipment company who will process the shipment with a Bill of Lading, the shipment then arrives at the port of entry which a Customs Permit is issued.
These shipment and customs information include Exporter, Importer, Bill of Lading information. The data collected are verified, processed and analysed onto our Trade Data Pro Platform which helps to identify suppliers and buyers from global trade activities.

It’s our business to grow yours using quality trade data


Find potential buyers, track your competitors’ imports and exports with our global trade data and statistics.


Based on customs based shipping details, get quality customs data and keep all updates of export activities at your fingertips.

Shipping data

Get shipment data which consists of trade information that includes value and volume of the cargo and transport moving it.

Customs data

Detailed information including Date, HS Code, Product Description, Importers, Exporters, Origin Country, Value, Quantity and Port.

See how TradeData.Pro helps you grasp these opportunities and use them to their maximum potential.

Evaluate Suppliers

If you’re importing from overseas, we’ll help you find high quality suppliers. Our shipping records reveal customers, product lines, and exporting volumes for factories around the world.

Monitor Competitors

Our shipping records can help you keep an eye on your current competitors and identify new companies in the market. Find out how much they’re shipping and who they’re sourcing from.

Find Sales Prospects

Use our intuitive database to identify prospects based on products imported, track your current customers to ensure you’re winning their full business.

Research Markets

Global trade data at your fingertips helps you to identify market trends to stay ahead of the curve. Shipment trends can help you with forecasting both market and company health.

World’s Largest Import & Export Trade Data Online

Explore detailed Customs Data, Statistical Data, Mirror Data, Bill of Lading Data and Bill of Lading Data of your required country from the world’s most comprehensive trade intelligence data online platform and gain strategic insights.

Made in Singapore

TradeData.Pro is proudly made in Singapore.

Singapore has been one of the world’s most politically stable countries, with an open and trade-driven economy. TradeData.Pro is presented by CIC, a government-linked company in Singapore CIC is a Join Venture of Zall Smartcom, SGX and GeTS.) 
Since the launch of TradeData.Pro in 2018, TradeData.Pro has received overwhelmingly positive remarks from market. This is because TradeData.Pro has wide coverage, low cost, and fast response. 
There are many leading companies from different industries that have subscribed to TradeData.Pro. TradeData.Pro was awarded with Singapore Quality Class in 2020 and Stevie Award Gold in 2021.

Located in a Thriving Tech Hub

TradeData.Pro is headquartered in Singapore. Singapore is one of the thriving tech hubs similar to the Bay Area of San Francisco. 
About 80 of the world’s top tech firms have set based in Singapore, including Google, IBM and Microsoft.
While many newly fast growing tech firms such as Zoom, ByteDance and Alibaba have also expanded their investments in Singapore.

Strong Fundamentals and Credibility

Singapore has one the strongest fundamentals, business-friendly reputation and strategic location in the heart of South-east Asia which makes Singapore an attraction location for TradeData.Pro
Singapore also has a business friendly environment which enables innovation and connectivity to the region. Being in Singapore has allowed TradeData.Pro to have exceptional engineering talents, a pro-business environment and one of the best tech infrastructure.

Safe from Global Tech War

TradeData.Pro is in a safe bastion which is not affected by the fluid nature of developments in the global tech war, making TradeData.Pro a safe haven and strong against adversities. 
As many more countries face stringent restrictions on technology such as access limitations and even bans to certain countries, Singapore’s neutrality has enabled us to continue operating freely.

Excellent Connectivity

Singapore, which TradeData.Pro is based in, has become a key hub for digital infrastructure in the Asia Pacific region. According to a Bloomberg report, Cushman & Wakefield’s 2022 Market Ranking ranked Singapore top for having the fastest fiber connectivity in its global data market. 
Despite being fifth in market size, Singapore also has the lowest vacancy rate and best smart city score. Singapore’s connectivity is similar to Silicon Valley, in that both have strong ecosystems, with excellent connectivity and lower latency. 
Beyond the technical aspects above, Singapore sees a consistent demand for data hosting offerings due to its reliable and advanced infrastructure – with major cloud services available, along with political stability and sustainability.

World-Class Digital Infrastructure

Along with government-backed e-governance initiatives such as the ‘Digital Society’ project under the Smart Nation initiative. 
TradeData.Pro enjoys Singapore’s world-class digital infrastructure, the nation is now an ideal place for some of the biggest technology companies to establish their presence to get nearer to their key markets in Asia such as China, India, and Indonesia with fast growing economies with high internet consumption.

Stable Political Environment

Singapore has one of the most stable political environments in Asia, TradeData.Pro offers users a strong sense of security and comfort.
Singapore’s judicial system has been recognised as one of the most efficient in Asia, enforcing anti-corruption laws so that investors can conduct business without fear of bureaucratic malaise. 
Moreover, through strict law enforcement. In the event of cross-border disputes, businesses can rely on Singapore’s reputation as a world-class arbitration facility. As such, users of TradeData.Pro can be assured of the quality and credibility of using the platform.

Efficient Business Operations

Singapore is home to the world’s top players across all industries, due to its location in the heart of Southeast Asia and close proximity to surrounding emerging markets. 
TradeData.Pro can reach out to the other countries in Asia effectively. Singapore preserves good international connections with other countries when it comes to trade and industry, hence TradeData.Pro has the most accurate and latest trade data.

Vibrant Trading Centre

Singapore is a vibrant nerve center to 124 commercial banks, 365 fund managers and 531 capital markets services license holders, as of March 2016. 
It is not only a hub for wealth management and investments in Asia, but has the fourth largest forex trading center, the Singapore Exchange (SGX). This enables TradeData.Pro to have all the latest updates and news.
To find out more about how to use TradeData.Pro, you can check out this article which teaches you how to use Trade Data Pro to access Turkey markets: https://blog.tradedata.pro/why-you-should-be-importing-from-turkey-in-2022/

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